Friday, September 4, 2009

Two Blogs today? Yes! Boise State Blue Fields and Oregon Ducklings

Yesterday was the first day of the season of college football and it was the good day because first you see a close game with the two teams of South Carolina coached by the guy no one likes and North Carolina State. This is not the place where the girl who lies about the rape has gone to school but the home of the pack of wolves. No one think that this would be the good game but it was close.

Later in the night Iowa State actually won a game which surprises many people even if they play the Canadian school.

Now for the issue of this blog and why I do two blog posts today because this is the very important issue to me. After the game between the team of Boise State in Idaho and the Oregon Ducklings we see some drama. You see these are both teams with the rankings and last year the Boise State team also beat the Oregon team in Eugene, Oregon in the United States of America. Also for many years Boise State says HELLO WE WANT THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP WE DID NOT HAVE THE LOSING. Well yes this is true you did not have the losing but neither would the Geriatric Clinic for People with Broken Hips if they played the same schedule as you.

This is not the point though. After the Boise State team beat up a weaker team of Oregon you then see a person from the team of Boise State pat the shoulders of a French boy named LeGarrette. This translates to "the loser" in English. And also his parents give him the last name of Blount. This translates to "marijuana cigarette" in English. The French boy LaGarrette then throws the punch at the player from Boise State! OM GOD HE PUNCHES HIM I say while seeing this on the Sports Center Television Show. This gets very worse as the players from Oregon tries to take the Frenchman off the field and he punches them. Then he tries to punch the really unattractive fan on the sidelines. This is NOT a boy I would want to have the sex with if you watch the clip of this he is the boy on the bottom of the stands and very ugly.

The issue is what should happen to the Frenchman?

One Side

One side of this says if you want to talk the crap as the winner then expect the beating from the loser. The boy from Boise State did the first talking and then he received the great punch to the face. This was a wonderful punch that brought him to the ground right away. I would score this round 10-8.

Also there was the heat of the moment. The team of Oregon just realizes they lose the game to a team in the worse conference in the world besides CUSA and the Pac-10! In such a moment it is very easy for the people to find anger and to do the reacting such as throwing the punch.

Also after the game the Frenchman does the surrendering saying he is sorry for this.

So this side says to just yell at him and say DO NOT DO THIS AGAIN!

The Other Side

The other side of this says that this year the NCA Association is doing a new rule of saying to everyone to shake hands before the game. This is to give the illusion of sportsmanship and maybe one retarded person will say HELLO LOOK AT THIS THEY ARE SUCH SPORTSMEN. Of course the people who think this is the good idea also are against the playoff system for NCAA.

So to this side the Frenchman should be suspended forever and departed to France.

The Judge

You might notice that this is not the longest blog. The reason for this is that this is a simple issue. We are not talking about two good teams here but two teams that really should not even have the caring from others. Who cares what happens to the marijuana cigarette boy? What difference does this make? They could get rid of the whole team and it would be just as meaningful for the league. When controversy happens in a team that is worth caring about I will think about it more but for now why care? We are talking about Oregon. LAUGHTER OL!

The judge of football season

I get this email during the time that I was away from the computer for starting back at the graduate school.

"Dear Meow,

Football season is starting soon, and my boyfriend is obsessed with football. He watches college ball. He watches pro ball. I wouldn't be surprised if he watched high school ball if it aired on television. It takes up our whole weekend, and I really wish he would spend a bit more time with me instead of watching football all the time. Don't get me wrong, I like football, too, but in small doses. It doesn't need to be on ALL DAY LONG! Do you think my boyfriend should spend more time with me during football season?"

I think the person who sends me this email is fat and maybe should try to be the defensive line lady but I will also do the answering of this question by seeing the issue from two sides and not just from one side because this is what I do as the judge of this blog page.

The One Side

The one side of this says that when you have the relationship commitment with the other person both must make the sacrifices and this includes the boy of the relationship that likes football or the girl of the relationship if she likes football because I am the girl and also like to watch the games on the television. But for the person who sends me this email who is probably the fatter bigger person in the world she wants the boyfriend to do sacrificing of not watching the ballgame.

To see this issue from this one side think of what this means to miss a ball game. There will be the other games you know and just because you miss this does not mean it will change what has happened in the game. You can turn on the Sports Center Television Show on Earth Sports Professional Network at all times in the day and see the best of the plays for these games. Like today I turn this on and see the sorest of losers from the team of Oregon who no one cares about and he throws the punching at the player from some other team that whines each year but they schedule teams like New Mexico State and the Louisiana Technical School for Boys. And this was the fight and it was like seeing two sorry grandmothers fighting each other. But I did not watch this last night but did see this today so just because I miss the game last night does not mean I cannot watch it.


The Other Side

The other side of this is very simple and that is what else does a person do during the season that is football? This girl should be happy that she lives in the United States of America and not in the other country that does not have the American football. She could even be in Canada and watch people play this on hockey ice and that is just sad. Or even worse than this she could be in Iraq. Do you think that they have the football teams in Iraq? The Baghdad Bombers will not go to the playoffs against the Mosul Martyrs this year I will tell you this. Do you know why this is? It is because THERE IS NO FOOTBALL IN IRAQ!

If this woman loves the country that she lives in and does not wish to be a traitor to her people then she should respect the men of the armed forces who have done the fighting for the right of all people in the United States of America to watch football. She is maybe a spy for a country like France where the only thing they have that is close to football is the art museum and that is not really close at all. Does she wish to make her boyfriend the spy for France also? No I do not think she wishes this but this is what is happening.

The Judge

This boy needs to find the new girlfriend and maybe one who is not bitter that even the Detroit Lions would not let her be on the team and they let anyone be on the team there even if they suck at all sports. Maybe the girl can buy the Tivo machine for the boy to record the games but this is just me trying to be the pot stirrer because we all know that this is not the way to watch the game of football.

Listen this is the final advice. If the boy insists on keeping this relationship with the French cheese museum spy lover then he is not smart but maybe for peace can say to the girl OKAY ON THE WEEK WHEN THERE ARE NO GOOD GAMES ON THE TELEVISION I WILL TAKE YOU ON THE DATE. Of course this is the trick answer because by this time football season will be over! LAUGHTER OL! They are ALL good games if you are the real American person.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Hello to all I just want to say to you that I have started back at the graduate school the week before this one and just am very busy but will do the updates to this very soon! Please do not think I have died. Thank you for this.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


This has had the deletion because of causing the butthurt to a person. I will do a new blog for all today. Thank you for this.

Telling the friends or not telling them about marijuana brownies.

Hello all. I receive a email this week from a person who is the good friend on the The question is about a topic that has some controversy in the United States of America and that is one of marijuana.

Disclaimer to you: In the country of the United States of America marijuana is the illegal drug and this is not a post that suggests any breaking of laws. It is a post about a hypothetical issue in a sane country where the marijuana is legal.

Okay so the question to this was about is it ethical to send brownies with marijuana in the mail. After viewing this from two sides I say that no it is not because they will become squeeshed and this would make them not taste as good so if you want to do the baking for someone then please do the hand delivery.

But this person who is a very nice person also gives me a wonderful idea for the post of this blog and that is if you do the hand delivery of the pot brownies or other ways of doing the cooking of this should you tell the other person or is this okay to not tell them? Remember this is the hypothetical and this is not the legal advice to you. You can be put in the prisms for this.

The One Side

The one side says it is a bad thing to give someone the marijuana brownies without making them aware of this. You may say to me BUT MEOW WHEN DOES THIS EVER HAPPEN?

LAUGHTER OL I have a friend who is from a country where the marijuana is not criminal and also they have fewer rapes because when marijuana is illegal it causes rapes. She tells me she was to go to work one day and sees that her roommate makes brownies. She does the eating of these for breakfast. Now this is the person who works with children and she says she found the children very funny but did not know why at first. Lucky for her she had the realization later and just said she got tired but it was an okay thing. But you see if something bad happened on this day it would have been a bad thing.

Another incident of this is something I have seen on the In the article it was about a woman who ate some brownies at the work she was at. She says she went to pick up the kids at school and then had the effects of these LAUGHTER OL so she says she had to park the car for two hours! LAUGHTER OL!

So now to this side of the issue that says not telling someone is a bad thing. It is a bad thing because you do not want to force someone to have something they do not wish to have ingested. I do not have the problem with someone who does the crazy mushrooms for the hallucination but this is not something I would like to do without having the awareness of it. Can you imagine this? I am riding on the bicycle of me when these effects begin.


Then someone gives me the tap on the shoulder and says to me


But to me this sounds like


So then I beat them with the stick that I am throwing at the dragon and next I know I am in the jail and when the effects of these wear off I say I do not know what has happened and they say to me after using the shocking wand OH YES WE REALLY BELIEVE THIS YOU ARE THE VICIOUS PERSON.

I do not know if my roommate would get off the couch for the long enough time to pay for the bail of me which would probably be very high.

Now none of this would ever happen with marijuana but it is just the analogy. The issue of this side is just that you do not mess with the physiology and neurology of someone without first having the informed consent from them. No I do not mean like from the Declaration of Hellsinkis but just say to the person through verbal HELLO I PUT SOME MARIJUANA IN THESE WOULD YOU LIKE SOME.

The Other Side

The other side of this says that maybe it is just the accident and should you be held as the unethical person for doing this? Let us say that I make these and put them on my counter. Yes my roommate will probably eat these because she eats everything but do I need to write the note to her? If she does not have the permission of eating then why should I say this to her? This is like saying that if someone has the peanut allergy and I drop a crumb on the street and they pick it up and it has the peanut dust that they can say I caused this to them. So there is one part of the other side that says if you do not give someone the permission then they do this eating at the own risk of them.

But what if you make the offer to someone? I know that I read another story where the person says I WILL BRING POT BROWNIES and then someone thinks they are making the joke. Is this a bad thing? I do not think so in this case the person even did the telling!

The other side of this issue wonders this. Does it cause the harm to someone? I find this article from the

It says a child may have accidentally had the pot brownies at a party. The woman says the boy gets sick but I think he just gets high and guess what there is no long term effects on this boy but maybe he wants to listen to Robert Marley some!

The Judge

To be honest I do not remember where I am going with this issue and just say look if you make these things just tell people and keep them from the children. I am now to have the vodka because that is legal here and does not cause the madness of marijuana.

If you have the issue send the email to me I will discuss this on the blog of me.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

The judge of the issue from the

This is from the email I receive. I have to make the changed names to protect those in this. I have asked the two sides to respond to this but only here from one of these. Here is the email I have with changes in names and some details of this removed for shortness.

Greetings meow and you're welcome! This is Fraction Preplay Rick of the TotalFark dot com webpage. ...

Here is the background:

There is a gentleman on the TotalFark dot com webpage and he goes by the name of Asian Rick the Furry. I wish to be peacetime with this person because I have no problem with them. I do not want to be his friend on the facebloggings or twittering feeds... But I am a nice person so I do not wish a conflict or even hostilities. Up until now I don't think I ever responded to a single posting he made.

However, he seems to have a problem with me. On several times, he has made a quotation of me, and then some unrelated comment about how...women sent him e-mails by mistake because the fat got in the way of their eyes and they thought he was me. Here is a most recent example:


As you might see, he makes the blame on me for his problems... And then he goes on to make fun of my visual handicap apparatuses from a picture in my profile. While I think this is very wrong to make fun of a disablility...I would still like to be on good terms with Mr. Asian Rick the Furry.

Here is my evidence to support the final solution. Mr. Asian Rick the Furry has joined the Fark dot com webpage much more after the time I did, as evidenced by our profile datas. It is not my fault that he never heard of me before and no one knows who he is or to look out for his login handles, and just assumes he is me. Therefore, Mr. Asian Rick the Furry should put his login handle into the oven and start over with a new name, or live with the fact that he isn't much of the interesting so sometimes people will think he is me.

I hope you can make an arbitration which will result in the peace time between me, Fraction Preplay Rick, and possibly fat meatface Asian Rick the Furry, whose name comes from a comical book series which promotes sitting around reading fantasy and getting fat.


Thank you.

As all of the readers of me can see this is the serious issue. We would like everyone on the website to have the friendship. If you are not a reader of the I would make the suggestion to do this. So we do not want the fights of two people and this is where I make the settlers.

One Side

The one side of this issue is that the Asian Rick the Furry receives the emails that he does not wish to have received. He is also having the anger at not having the friendship on the and the of the Fraction Preplay Rick. Also Asian Rick the Furry makes the jokes about Fraction Preplay Rick's seeing devices as the disability. The one side is the side of Fraction Replay Rick and this is the side I start with.

For the emails I can see this side because he does not ask for the women to have sending him the emails of the pictures and this is not his fault. It is the fault of the women who cannot tell the difference from the two names. These are different names but can seem similar because both have the word of Rick and both also have the three words. I do not know this though. Both Snoop Doggy the Dog and Meow Said the Dog have four words in the names and they have the words THE DOG in the name but no one has this confusion of the two. So I can see the side of Fraction Preplay Rick who believes that it is not the fault of him on who sends the email to the wrong person. And also it does not make the difference if the girls who send the wrong pictures have the fatness or the ugliness because maybe they just want to have the criticism of them to figure out the better way to do this.

Second issue is that of who to have as the friends. I do not accept all as the friends on these websites and it is not for me as the bad person but because sometimes when there are very many friends it becomes tougher to do all of this juggling of people as the friends. I understand this part.

Third of the issue from the side of Fraction Preplay Rick is the making fun of the disability and this is a serious thing. He does not wish to have the pickings on for the seeing eye glasses of him and this is not something he does to the self. Why do people make the jokes about something one cannot have the control over. Seeing this from the side of Fraction Preplay Rick it causes the hurtness in the feelings I believe. It may cause him for some tears and some hurts and make him feel as though he is not liked by the others. I do not wish for this to happen to someone and seeing this from his side makes it very clear this is a bad thing to happen.

So from this side we have that he does not have the control of the email and he does not want all the friends and he does not wish to have the pickings on for the disabled.

The Other Side

The other side of this is the side of Asian Rick the Furry who I have sent the email but does not have the response. This is an okay thing I keep him anonymous by making the name change and also I do my best to have the empathy of the Judge of the United States of America of the Supreme Court who is the Nominee of Salamander Sotomayors. I see the side of things.

So the side of Asian Rick the Furry is this. First I can see the side of finding the annoyance with the other of having the wrong emails to send. Maybe Asian Rick the Furry is a person with much courtesy who does the sending of the emails back to the people saying HELLO THANK YOU FOR THE PICTURE OF THIS BUT I AM NOT WHO YOU WANT TO TALK TO. If this happens many times even if it is not the fault of Fraction Preplay Rick I can see the problems of this. It just becomes the annoynace and it becomes the thing that causes the time from the day that can be used for other things. Maybe Asian Rick the Furry also feels the guilt because he says that if he does the ignoring of the emails he can cause the problems to the Fraction Preplay Rick. Maybe a girl will say HELLO I SENT YOU THE EMAIL YOU DID NOT RESPOND TO ME THIS IS IT WE WILL NOT BE HAVING THE SEX EVERS! So I thinnk it is nice of the person to have this concern but do not know if he does have this concern so I give the doubtful benefit.

There is the friend thing and this is also easy for me to see the side of Asian Rick the Furry. It is sometimes a sad thing when you wish for the friendship and have the rejection. My roommate is a bigger person who weighs many times what a person should weigh and sometimes she has the trouble of finding a friendship. She instead sometimes just watches the television and does the eating. This makes me very sad for her she is the very nice person and just because she has the fattness does not make this bad! I wish people would have the niceness to her and maybe this is the same that Asian Rick the Furry is having at the time. Maybe he says HELLO I AM NOT THE STALKE OF YOU AND WOULD LIKE TO BE FRIENDS. Maybe Asian Rick the Furry has the anger because he believes that if Fraction Preplay Rick accepted this friendship they can have this discussion of this without the problems. I do see this side and it makes me the sadness.

The issue of making the fun is hard to see the side of but if you use the highest of the empathy you can see this. Sometimes when we as people have the anger at others we make the comments we do regret. The guardians know I have done this before LAUGHTER OL. One time when I was the child on the playground I call a person a fatty. This is not the thing I have the regrets for because they lost the weight and are better now but the friend of this person says to me DO NOT CALL THEM THE FATTY and I say DO YOU KNOW THE HEALTH RISKS OF THIS? She says no then gives me the shove so I put her in the headlock and punch her then call her the big stupid because she was not smart and would never be in graduate school like I am in the graduate school. This is something I have the regrets for but it was the anger over the discussion of the health benefits of weight loss which is the important issue in the United States of America and also in the Republic of Texas where I think the person was maybe born. So maybe this is the same thing here and after feeling the hurtness Asian Rick the Furry just says I will do something to hurt and make fun of the glasses. This does not make a person bad but can cause the hurt.

The Judge

I am glad I have the opportunities for being the judge of this and have to see this from the two sides before making the decisions. Because I did not have the word from Asian Rick the Furry I do not know if this person will follow this but I hope this happens.

Here is what I will make the judge of and say.

  1. To the issue of the emails I will say this. Fraction Preplay Rick makes the good point that the account of he was started on the before the account of Asian Rick the Furry I have done this verification. Here is what I find. Asian Rick the Furry starts the account of he in the year of 2008 and Fraction Preplay Rick starts the account of he in 2004. So this is not the fault of Fraction Preplay Rick. FOR THE RESOLUTION OF THIS I SUGGEST that we handle this in this way. Fraction Preplay Rick must remind people who send the email to check the names of careful when the two are in the thread. Also he cannot have the expectation of all the emails to be forwarded. BUT Asian Rick the Furry must agree that if the email seems to have the importance or if there is a picture of a sexy woman with nice tatas to do the forwarding of the email. If he does not wish to have the email of this maybe to suggest to have a different account name with the different sound. For this however Asian Rick the Furry reserves right of keeping the pictures of attractive women in his own files for when he wants to look at these even if they were not meant for him. He also agrees to take the anger of him out to the girls who cannot see the email address and have the confusion and not to the Fraction Preplay Rick who has put this account together for many times before this.
  2. The second issue of this was the one that involves the friendship. I can see both sides of this and say this to you Mr. Fraction Preplay Rick to think of how this can hurt the Asian Rick the Furry. My judge is this. Always have the niceness in the threads and also in the privacy just give the nice and brief explanation of why you do not wish for friendship. If it is because it becomes hard to juggle then say this to him. It is always just nice for the person to know it is nothing personal against them. I know this firsthand from many people who feel I am the troll on the and who do not get the chance to know me. Most of these people get the offense because I have views about the fat people and so these are the people who put me on the ignore list of them. That is sad that they do this and they do not give the explanations except to say I pretend to be the foreign person. LAUGHTER OL this is not true! I speak English as the language. But this does the hurting of me also and sometimes I think to delete the account for this but have too many very nice friends of me there. So I will say maybe put the mind of he at ease and make the kindness apology.
  3. I see the seeing devices of Mr. Fraction Preplay Rick. They are in the profile of he and I have some sorrow for this because he cannot make the affordances for the new pair and must use the tape. I am sorry he has this much trouble making the seeing of things. I do not think it is fair to make the judgment of this but again this happens when one has the anger. I think here a simple I AM SORRY TO YOU would be the best thing.
I am glad I can be the judge of this. It is the winner and winner situation because one person may receive pictures of the tatas of girls and one may also receive the forwards of the good ones and this acts as the filter. This is a good thing for Asian Rick the Furry to receive the good emails for free and this is a good thing for Fraction Preplay Rick to only pay by having his private emails doing the sharing. Then there is the not friends and maybe I would try to be the friend of Asian Rick the Furry if these were the shes of me but also have the understanding so the explanation is in order for this. And then let us try to use kind words to each other and not make the fun of the pictures in the profile because it takes the brave person who does not have the fear of the stalkes to do this.

Thank you and I am glad to make the friendship between Asian Rick the Furry and Fraction Preplay Rick. This is the good thing and if you would like me to hear the dispute of you you can use the email of me at Remember to include the s here at the end of dogs! Thank you.

Is is for cheaters if you do the masturbation?

Hello all I have this as special request from the discussion on the and if you are not a member of this you should go and maybe someone nice will give you the sponsor like has done to me or if not you can pay your $5 for the month of this and it is worth it because you meet many nice people and some who call you the troll for not liking people who have the fatness! I will have two updates in the next few of the days because I get two requests from people on the and one of them is for today and that is the question.

Is it cheating if you whack the willy or if you rub the man in the canoes and you have the relationship? Because the wife of one person thinks this is the case of it being the cheating.

The One Side

The one side of this says no it is not the cheating because you cannot have the cheating with your own self! If you are just doing the masturbation who is this you are cheating with unless your wife or husband or boyfriend or girlfriend thinks you will be leaving them for you which does not make the sense to me because why would you do this you can always have you in the bathroom or in the boat. This side says there are many reasons for the masturbation such as to have the relief of the stress. I have used the and find many good reasons to masturabtion al because it can teach you the things you do like and do not like about how to be touched and you can use these to teach the spouse of you.

The reasons for not wanting someone to do the cheating are the diseases from the sex but you cannot get this from yourself unless you already have this disease but then you just give it to you again and it is there from the first place so who does the caring of this? Also you cannot give yourself the pregnancy from the masturbation or get someone pregnant from the masturbation with the one exception which I talk about below in the judge of this section. So this just seems to be the healthy thing and it is not saying you do not like the sex it is saying that sometimes the sex is not available to you and so you need that quick relief like if you are in the restaurant and are a boy and you have the erection it may be the better idea to just go to the bathroom and please yourself so you can not have the erection and cause the attention. Just do not tap on the floor while doing this because you may be arrested for trying to have the bathroom sex LAUGHTER OL this happened to someone from the state of Idaho he was the gay republican which is the redundant statment!

The Other Side

The other side says this is the cheating because when you do the vows for the marriage or for the boyfriend girlfriend you promise to be the faithful person and if you are the Catholic person you even say that you do not have the seed spilling unless you wish to have the baby but this does not matter for the girls because they do not need the orgasm for the baby. Okay so let me ask this question of you maybe if you sit on your hand and do what they call the stranger this could be like someone else. Also I can see the point of maybe if the wife or husband or boyfriend or girlfriend did the right job of this then maybe you would not need to do the manually simulations of the sex. So maybe it hurts the feelings of the others but I still do not think this is the same as cheating.

If you are the person who does the masturbation because you feel it is better than the sex then I have the two suggestions. First maybe tell the other person what you like from this. Second maybe the person does not know how to do this and it is time for filing of divorce but before you do this ask me and maybe I can help you to settle this.

The Judge

I have looked at both sides of this issue and I do believe I have the conclusion. It is not cheating when you cannot cause the pregnancy or when there is not another person involved so this means you cannot say BUT MEOW SAID THE DOG CAN I DO THE ORAL SEX WITH ANOTHER? The answer to this is NO YOU CANNOT PLEASE DO NOT ASK THIS OF ME. This is becuase it would involve the other person. Same for doing the masturbation in front of the other person but maybe if you are in the window and they do not see you this is not cheating.

But I want to be clear that you have to not have the pregnancy. Some women may wish to do use the spermcicle for this purpose. NO you cannot do this because it can cause the pregnancy. And also some men like to use the condom for masturbation to avoid the mess. I say this to you that this might be cheating because what if you put this in the trashcan and then a woman comes along and says I REALLY WISH I COULD HAVE THE BABY OH LOOK HERE IS THE CONDOM WITH SOMETHING IN IT and then they have your baby!

Otherwise you can do the masturbation and it is not cheating and if you have the fear of this send the person to me for the comment and tell them this


This is the rap song like the pope will have.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Is it a crime to have the bigger child?

Hello all. Today I will like to make a comment on the article I have seen on the website about a child who is 555 pounds and the mother of this child has the charge of child abuse and might go to jail. The article on the is by a person who says that skinny kid also have the criminal parents and this is the slope that has oil on it. I will not judge the parents of the skinny kids in the blog of today because this is just the something a person does the hypothesis about. Instead I will talk about the bigger kid.

The One Side

The one side of this is that maybe the government should not have the involvement in the children of parents who feed them too much. If the child wants the food and the parent wants to give the child the food then is this the business of the president Barack Obama and his wife Mrs. Michele Obama? Some of the people say no this is not the business of them because this is the right of the child for the life and the liberty and the pursuit of being a bigger person.

I understand this argument because some people like food very much. My roommate is a bigger person. She is not this much of a bigger person of over 500 pounds but I do not know how much she weighs. She likes the food very much and eats many of them every day and is always ordering the pizza and is not exercising. I ask her to ride the bicycle with me but she says I am too big for the bicycle. So I say let us go to hike then. She says she is scared of bears. LOL out loud. I have only seen a few bears near this place and they are deep in the forest where she will not go for a walk. So maybe this kid is like my roommate.

Is he happy to be bigger? Maybe he is so we should not be the judge of him some say.

The Other Side

The other side because I see two sides to all issues is that this boy is very bigger person and weighs a very high amount. This is not healthy and can lead to the death. I have found some evidence of this from the search of the website.

When you are very bigger person you die faster than not bigger person but everyone will die at 100% chance unless you believe in mythology about religion but that is not a true thing but instead is a mythology. So we all die and became the food for worms. That is it and life is over then. So when the life runs out this is the end unless you believe in the mythology but even if you believe this guess what when you die you still are just worm food and life is over for everyone and there is no place you go after you are dead except maybe in the ground.

So why do you not live the life to the fullest and not be too bigger to enjoy the hiking. This mother can say to the child no you cannot eat any more of this pizza but must instead have the vegetables. When someone is this big they are like a camel and can feed from the fat for many days so the parent can say you stay in the room if you do not want to eat this healthy food. I can bet to you that the mother is also a bigger person and probably is not very smart. But this is why they may say to put her in the prison.

The Judge

If you are the adult and want to live a life as a bigger person like my roommate then this is your choice. I like my roommate very much and she is the nicest person I meet and I feel very sorry for her to be bigger but if her mother was locked away and she was put on the diet early maybe she would have lots of boyfriends and lots of the sex. I think she is still the virgin! LOL out loud I know this may be a personal choice but who does like to have the sex with bigger girl? I know I would not like this if I had the peepee. I do not kiss bigger boys or bigger girls.

So as the judge of this issue I think that the mother should have the prison and the bigger child should have to go on the diet until he is an adult at which time if he wants to live such a life then this is the choice for him which is a sad choice but not one I can be the judge of.

I hope you all agree with me after seeing the two sides of this.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Update of the Situation of Me

Hello all and I am sorry for not using the blog to be the judge from since May 21 of 2009 but I was on holiday and did not have the time to do this. I am now back and ready to answer many emails and to be the judge of some things in this world. Please check back soon and thank you for being the fan of me.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Answer to the Email Question

Hello all of you. Sorry I just finish the school and have been getting ready for summer holidays to different places. This is why my post have been slow on the blog but I am ready now.

I get the email about the argument between two people from the I change the names of these people and just call them Bob and Joe. I am sorry to have to change the name but this is for the protection of them from the stalkes. Keep the emails coming to me and I will have the judge of this. Here is the email from Bob.

"Dear MeowSaidtheDog,

My name is Bob, and I am a poster on the website and got your email address there. I would like you to settle a dispute between my roommate and I. My roommate's name is Joe and he is bigger person like your roommate is. Sometimes he eats the food that I pay for. This is not fast food but is just food that I buy at the store. I am on a budget and do not make a lot of money; he makes a lot more money than I do. He tells me he will pay me back when he eats the food, but this isn't really the point. I just can't stand coming home after a night of drinking, bringing some lady in to have sex, and going for some quick dinner and none being there. What do you think about this?"

This is not the easy one to judge but I will try to be the judge of it.

The One Side

The one side is the side of Bob because Bob wants to have the food when he gets home. This side says that Bob buys the foods with hard earned money. I know what budget is like because they do not pay me a lot of money in the graduate school but it is enough money to eat the food. My roommate does not eat my food because she does not like it because I eat the healthy food and she likes the food from the fast food places. She is bigger person like Joe is bigger person also. If she did eat my food I would maybe not be happy with this because it costs much money and would keep me from the beers with friends.

Bob also likes to have the food before the sex so when there is no food and Bob drank the beers and has the lady in the house maybe he wants the food but this is not here and this is not a good thing for Bob so this is something Joe should think about also.

Main thing about this side is the food does not belong to Joe but does belong to Bob and Bob finds this to be the very important part.

The Other Side

The other side of this says that roommates are friends. Joe is the bigger person and maybe gets very hungry and this is not good for bigger people because when they get hungry they sometimes get very angry and start to be in the worser mood. So maybe it is the best idea for Joe to eat the food when he is hungry so he does not get angry.

The email to me says I know Joe will give me the money for this. This says to me that Joe is making the effort to be the good friend and I think this is very important because he is not just trying to steal the food. I do not know about stealing as a good thing unless there is starving.

The Judge

The judge of this is very hard but I have to say one thing for this. When I go to place with someone after bar I do not want him to have the food right away. This does not seem like Bob has the respect for the pretty lady. I also do not like when someone has the food and then the breath smell like garlics or onions or fishes. So why does Bob have to eat food with the lady? Also does Bob know about the diseases of the girls? I hope he uses the rubber of protection from this. And I hope the girls use the safety medicine because if Bob does not have the money then having to pay the fees for the child is not good.

The food is the other issue and I think that Joe is not doing the good thing but maybe is doing the favor for Bob because Bob does not have the food to scare away the lady at night. I think that Bob should maybe hide some food or do like I do and try to eat food that Joe does not eat. Bigger persons do not usually eat healthy foods so get some of that because they like oils and the food from the fast places. This is not the bad thing. Please do not be angry if I do seem like I am saying this as bad. It is not bad. It is good that everyone like the different food.

So Bob, I fiind you to be guilty of the bad breathing! LOL out loud. I just kid a little bit. But really Bob just hide the food from Joe and buy tofu because bigger people do not like tofu. Thank you.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Two Sides of the Queen of California Carrie Prejean


Did Mr. Donald Trump keep right decision when he said that Queen of California Miss Carrie Prejean should keep the crown of California?

The stuff you should know

This is the very complicated story but I will give you the small part of it because you can search the Google for some more. A woman who dresses in the bikini and has hair that is not the real color of it and who stands in front of people gets picked as Queen of California. Some say but how can this be the queen because she is just pretty face. I say that this is better than how some places pick the queen which is if you have the mother and father who have the king or prince or queen or princess you just get it without even being pretty. Or if you marry the prince you can become the queen even if you are really ugly woman because this happened with the lady and the prince of Charles.

She is the Queen of California but tries to win the Queen of the United States of America from Mrs. Michelle Barack Obama. They ask her the question about if the men who like men and the women who like women but only like women and not the women who do not think we must be set to one person or the other type of person should be married to each other. Can the woman marry the woman? Can the man marry the man? Miss Carrie Prejean says to the judge of the Queen Contest of the United States of America I believe that marriage should be between the man and the woman. You can read more about this here.

Some people find this to be offensive like a lady named Mrs. Perez Hilton. This is not the skinny lady who was in jail but this is a lady with brown hair who talks on the television but is hard to understand. Mrs. Perez Hilton must like the other ladies and wants to marry her favorite lady. Maybe Rosie O'Donnell. I do not know. If I was to marry the lady it would be Natalie Portman or maybe Mrs. Ali Larter who is not the boxer Ali. I do not want to marry the lady because right now I have too much fun but maybe I could marry the lady one day. But Mrs. Perez Hilton want to marry a lady who only like other ladies and not men and ladies. And Mrs. Perez Hilton does not see the side of Queen of California Miss Carrie Prejean who is third queen of the United States of America behind someone who does not make news from Northern Carolina and Mrs. Michelle Barack Obama married to the president of the United States of America.

Then later they find the pictures of the Queen of California who has the top missing but the hands covering the boobies. And then another picture with no hands covering what might be a urethrola on her boobies. My roommate tells me that in the United States of America people do not like to see this on women in the public because it might hurt the children and that at the soccer match one day the woman shoed this and had the piercing and it killed many children. So people say to the Queen of California that she should leave. I do not think they do the killing of the queens here but they are just not the queens anymore.

The One Side

The one side says this feeling of the marriage is the opinion of the Queen of California and that this the opinion she can have because it is her side. If you see this side you know that this is the common belief among many people in the United States of America including the president of the United States of America who think that men and women should marry the other people and not the same people. Also the side says that maybe Queen of California Miss Carrie Prejean has the girlfriend and just does not want to be married right now and if it is allowed for her then maybe the girlfriend will say hello Miss Carrie Prejean I would like to have the marriage now. Miss Carrie Prejean does not need another Queen of California right now because she is younger than me and I do not want the marriage today either.

Then the one side says why does what Mrs. Perez Hilton say matter to anyone? This woman is just very angry but I do not see why. She is not a beautiful woman but is bigger than me and bigger than my roommate and is just a big person. If maybe she would have some exercise she would not be this big. People say to me if I believe that the men can marry the man. I do not care who marries the other person as long as they love each other. But other people do not feel this way. This is two sides and that is what makes the life of the earth beautiful.

There is the side about the First Amendment to the national anthem that says you have the speech and it does not cost anything. This is what Miss Carrie Prejean the Queen of California says and thinks some have the judge without seeing her side. I think maybe because she has the plastics in her chest she did pay for the speech but that just makes her have the stronger point than before.

Also the pictures of the boobies. I see the side of people who think this is bad. No I am just making the joke. LOL out loud. What kind of stupid head things that boobies are bad? I think the people who think this and the people who had the kids that died from seeing the boobies maybe just need to see the doctor at the center for health that checks the heads of people who hear the voices. PLUNK. PLUNK. PINK. PLUNK. That is what some say they hear in voices. LOL out loud! So this side is not one side that anyone should see unless you have the injury in the head.

The Other Side

Miss Carrie Prejean Queen of California does not want to see the men marry the men. I do not understand why she says this but maybe she does not want to marry the girlfriend that I said about earlier. So I can see this. I once telled the boy from the United States of America that it was against my laws of my country to marry someone from the United States of America. This is the lie but he leave me alone about it.

And maybe Miss Carrie Prejean did show her boobies and even though it is stupid she knew not to do this and she lied. I think the lying is the bad part because just tell truth. Just say yes I had a picture of boobies and there is nothing wrong with this. If she was the bigger person like Mrs. Perez Hilton this would be bad but she seem to have the nicer body. So do not lie and just tell the truth like President Babe Lincoln about the cherries.

The other side of this is that I do not think this is about the First Amendment of the national anthem because this is not the congress. I do not know all the laws of the United States of America but I read this one and will tell you what it says.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Here are the judge of the Queen of the United States of America contest.

Robert Earl, Shandi Finnessey (very pretty girl), Willie Geist, Brian Graden, Mrs. Pereza Hilton, Alicia Jacobs, Claudia Jordan, Holly Madison, John Miller, Kelly Monaco, Kenan Thompson, Eric Trump.

Here are the people who are of the Congress. Please click this link for the names of them.

These are not the same people so I do not think the right of the First Amendment of the national anthem has anything to do with this. I say to the Queen of California to learn about the laws of the United States of America before you say this is not good to you.

The judge

I do not think she should lose as the Queen of California and this is what the judge of Donald Trump says to her. It just does not make sense to take the Queen from someone because they have silly opinion. I know what you say but meow said the dog she is the biggut. I think she is the biggut against the people who like same people also but we do not know her side of things and maybe if she say that she is for the marriage to the women then Mrs. Perez Hilton will try to marry her and sit on her and hurt her. This would be the scary thing if Mrs. Perez Hilton showed her boobies to the children.

And for the men who think I am not equal to the men of the United States of America I say that I am equal and think men and women are the equal partners. To show you this as the judge I think that Miss Carrie Prejean should show the United States of America that boobies do not kill people and she should make sure that everyone can see some pictures of her boobies even if they have the plastic in them. No one will die from this I promise and then we can move on. Like my friends on the website of news say about the sexy ladies the men can all say to Miss Carrie Prejean I would hit it. This does not mean punch her with the fists. I will not tell you what hit it means because you should guess. Ok I am just making the joke. LOL out loud. I will tell you. It means have the sex!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mitch sues Jessie with me as the Judge

Today I do something a little different than the first post on the blog about the serious issue. This is still the serious issue but I like the court shows and will also be the judge on the blog I have. If you have the issue I can also blog to judge your case but you have to promise to listen to advice and let me publish on the blog. Thank you. The names change for protecting people.

Today the case is between my two friends named Mitch and Jessie. I will tell you a little bit about the case so you know before I am judge. Mitch and Jessie are two of the assistants to the professor in a large class. I am also the assistant and also our friend Shane is the assistant. One job we have is to see if the students look at the papers of people during the test because it is not supposed to be the group test. The professor only needs two of us for the test. Last week was the week of the final exam and Mitch had his turn to help to watch the students. Also Shane. Mitch needed to write something for his research and asked Jessie to watch the students and he would pay her with some beer. She said yes she would do this but she forgot to do this and ten minutes before the time for test Shane called Mitch and said the professor of the class was angry with him. Mitch called Jessie and Jessie was driving and not in the town. Mitch had to run to catch the bus and to run across the campus to the class and was late but was not very late.

Mitch now thinks that Jessie should buy him the beer because she did not come to the test. Jessie thinks that she should not buy Mitch the beer. I will give you the two sides of this now. It is 30 beers so they have to go to the distributor store for this.

The Side of Mitch

Mitch says a lot to me and I will try to make the best summary of it. First he says that one day this semester he helped Jessie when she could not make it to test. He also says he talked to Jessie very long ago and reminded her three times and even told her the weekend before the week of the test. Jessie said I will be there for the test and you will buy me the beer. Mitch did not work on this paper until that day because he had to grade the papers for the class that we teach and he had 25 percent of the tests to grade and they are long papers about research. So then he was ready to write the paper and then gets the call and now the professor might be angry with him but we do not know but the professor also say that beer is not part of what we get paid to be the students.

I do know that Shane says that the professor was just making the joke and he likes the beer very much. LOL out loud!

But Mitch still thinks that the professor might have the anger with him. He also says he already even buyed the beer and really wanted to drink it but saved it for Jessie because he proimised the beer to her for the test. Now he will drink the beer but it is not the kind of beer he likes and he tells me it tastes like the skunk pee-pee. I have not tried the skunk pee-pee but that does not sound to be good. I like some beers but not all beers.

The Side of Jessie

Jessie says to me I forget to go because I wanted to shop. She drives the car almost three hours to the city to go to buy the suit for summer swimming. I do not understand this because she spends lots of money for this. I think it is pink or brown. And she says to me this was an emergency because she may be in Miami for a week. Miami is in Florida and has the beaches. We do not have the beaches here except at the park or if you drive to the greater lakes but that is whole day trip. I like to swim but like clearer water but have never seen Miami.

Jessie says to me that Mitch had the responsibility and that it is not her fault he waits until last hour for writing. She says she tell him maybe and not yes and feels bad but does not have the money for the beer because she has bathing suit and because she never promised him the beer. She says that Mitch has the beer already and if he does not like it he can shovel it. She calls him the beer snob.

My side of this

I see things from two sides always and every day becasue when you see the side of the other person maybe you can learn new things. My side is that I do not know why Jessie likes the bathing suits that cost a lot of money and why Jessie likes the beer that tastes like the skunk pee pee. I do not think I would like these two things. My roommate drinks a lot of the fizzy drink but also drinks the beer and I ask her if she would drink beer that tastes like the skunk pee pee and she says she would not do this. So maybe this is the bad side of Jessie.

The other side is that we do not make very much money but we do make more money when we teach the class in the summer. I have to grade the papers and some are hard to read because the students do not write the best. But why not grade them sooner and write the paper for the class sooner because I finished the paper for the class some weeks before this. It was not a hard paper and I only had to print at library five times.

The Judge

Here is my judge. I ask Mitch how many of the beers he had and he say that he had 3 and hated them. I ask him how much it cost for 6 of the beers that he likes and he says to me that it is seven dollars. I say that Jessie must buy the beer that Mitch paid for and she can drink the skunk pee pee taste and must buy 6 beers for Mitch but not 30 beers because that is a lot of beers for him. Also I rule that Jessie buy a different swimming suit because I do not like pink and brown. LOL out loud. I just am telling the joke Jessie.

This is the judge of it after looking at the two sides.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Two Sides of the Penalty of Death

For the first issue on the blog I will have the debate of a politics issue that happens in the United States of America and maybe in a few primitive countries like in Iran and the Republic of the Texas. Each time I use the blog I will talk about the issue and present two sides of the issue because I see things from two sides. Then I will make the judge about the side I pick but you may not agree with me and I hope you do not find it to be something that makes you angry. I do not have the bias for political beliefs. Thank you for stopping by.


Should the penalty of death happen when a person murders the other person.

Stuff you should know

I used the to find some information about the topic of this to give the facts to you without any judge or opinions. There are some important facts you must know about this issue that you may not know if you are not following this or if you do not come from the country with the penalty of death.

  • Not all of the United States of America have the penalty of death for the people who do the murders because some states do not have this but 34 states and the Republic of Texas territory do have this.
  • 56% of people turn white after the penalty of death but sometimes the skin turns black in 35% of the time.
  • The district attorneys who like to use the penalty of death are almost always the white men.
  • Not all of those who have the penalty of death did the crime at all and sometimes they get saved by people who think they are innocent like these people.
  • Some of the people who get the penalty of death said some bad things about the United States of America so the country kill them for this mean talk.
  • Some of the people who get the penalty of death did some sex with the killing of another.
  • Some of the people who get the penalty of death were mean to child or to elderly person.
  • In some countries like Iran and maybe in the Republic of Texas you can get the penalty of death not for murdering but for being the boy liking the boy or the girl liking the girl.
  • The people who have a retardation in the brain cannot be put to the penalty of death.

One side

One side of this says that the penalty of death is a good thing. This side of things is the side that some people take like some political people and some people at churches and some people who have talk shows on the radio. This side of things is that when someone does a bad thing maybe if they get the penalty of death they will not be able to do the bad thing again. Maybe they will be dead and it will then be hardest to do same crime two times. The people on this side of things say that when you use the penalty of death people who do the bad crimes will not do the crimes again. I can see this side of things because when you do a bad thing we want you dead so you cannot do that again.

Maybe the cages in the country of the United States of America are crowded. Some say this is because of the laws about the drugs in the United States of America. Maybe the cages in the Republic of Texas have crowds also. Texas is only place that can fly the flag as high as the flag of the United States of America and this is why they are special country that have their own killing of the prisoners. If the cages are crowded then the penalty of death is one good way to get the people out of the cages so more can come into them. This seems like a very good idea to clean the cages and I can see this side of things.

What about using the penalty of death to tell the others of society that if you do the bad thing you will die. If you kill the person you may get the penalty of death so do not kill the person. This side of things is like a big red light of warning to the person who wants to do the bad thing like rapage or saying something bad about the United States of America. When one person does this and has the penalty of death it makes the others think four times before doing the death or makes them be more careful about how they do it so they do not get put in a cage before then having the needle in the arm.

The penalty of death uses the needle in the arm and then you just fall asleep like with zither music playing in background except just in the head. I do not know how this might feel but when they ask the dead people if it hurt they do not give the answer. So if they do not give the answer how do we know if this hurts or this does not hurt? This is the one side.

Other side

The other side of things says that it is not good to have the penalty of death. One reason is because penalty of death is very expensive. I see this with something I read that it says that when you give someone the penalty of death then they get to have another time in the courthouse to say that they do not want to have death. They have to pay the attorney and the typewriter person and the judges and sometimes have to travel to the Supreme Court of the United States of America building to have the case to judge. This costs lots of money and if the prisoner got life in a cage it would not cost so much. Life in cage would mean no more crime like death would because if you are in the cage all life then you do not have the chance to kill another person.

The other side of this is that some say that the penalty of death is unfair to people who fly from Africa to the United States of America. These African United States of Americans get the penalty of death at a high number when you compare to how many of them live in urban city places. Also it is not fair to the people when you cannot have the penalty of death if you are retarded or if you are not old enough to vote for the penalty of death. This means that some people will have the penatly of death because they are smart and old and that does not seem fair.

I do not know if I like the government of Iran or of the United States of America or of the Republic of Texas killing the people because what if they did not do the crime? When I did the research on the I saw that sometimes people have the penalty of death because Mr. District Attorney Man make a wrong decision and the twelve people who want to be the judge of this do not see both sides and only one side and make the wrong decision. If they do not want to see both sides then I do not think the penatly of death would be a good thing because you have to see both sides when making a judge.

The judge

In the conclusion, I think that penalty of death has two sides and we should look at two sides when we make the judge about this issue. Maybe the best thing to do is to make sure cages are clean of lots of people not by doing the killing but by keeping people from being there in the firsts place. This is easy to do if you think of both sides of the issue. One side is to not put people in the cages for little stuff like the drugs. If you do this then the cages are not full and we do not have to use the penalty of death. The other issue is to always bring a passport if you go to the Republic of Texas and understand if you do something bad there and are not a white person you may have the penatly of death. Please be careful there and call your country embassy to find out if it safe for you to travel there.

Do you think this is good decision? I do. Thank you for reading the blog number 1.