Thursday, August 6, 2009


This has had the deletion because of causing the butthurt to a person. I will do a new blog for all today. Thank you for this.


  1. Way to keep in character.
    I give you one golf clap.

  2. The mods at fark are notorious cum garglers.

    This was inevitable though.

  3. a liter let me just say, whether you are an act or are earnest I got your back. You keep FARK interesting and I have you favorited and always look forward to your posts. I get you, I think you are awesome and I will sorely miss you in FARK lite ( I am a poor college student and can'te even afford 5 bucks a month for the privledge of reading TF, and honestly I don't think I would even if I could afford it.) TFer's , present company excluded of course, are snobby assholes. Bevets is a meme on FARK for a reason--he is a fucking joke. Libbynomore is a frickin troll.

    I will miss you on the liter boards if you do indeed keep away and I hope to stay in touch with you in Twitter and reading your blog.

  4. I think Jakevol2 has a bit of a half-wood going.

  5. Don't leave, meow! You make fark worth reading. Your posts are absolutely brilliant.

  6. Hello all do not worry I just must do the censoring of my posts. I do not believe the appreciates what is meant by the Freedom of Speakers and the censorship will hurt but I can do this through the help of all of my friends!

  7. Come to the dark side. We don't have mods there.
